October 22, 2024

Movies and Shows for Every Occasion

Movies and Shows For Every Occasion-min

Whether it’s for a date, by yourself, or with your family, we all enjoy watching a good movie and show. The trouble is when you have to decide on what to watch. Despite everyone’s best efforts to try and limit the Netflix surfing for 5 minutes, you still find yourself undecided on what to watch next after an hour.

We at CATV understand the struggle of not being able to decide. It can get difficult to narrow down the options, especially if there are multiple people trying to decide on the genre, rating, actors/actresses, year produced, etc. So, we decided to make a list of good movies and shows for you to watch for every occasion.

The Occasion Breakdown

There are really only three occasions that need to be considered when preparing to watch a movie or show. These three will cover any other scenario you get put in so, by knowing the movies we recommend to you, you will be able to recommend something great to watch every time.

On a Date

If you are on a date, you are not going to want to watch something extremely violent or romantic. You need to meet in the middle of the scale and make sure both parties are happy with the selection. In addition, you will want to talk about what you watched so you need a show that is thought provoking or touches on good conversational points. Lastly, you will want a somewhat feel-good that allows you to end the date on a good note.

By Yourself

When you are by yourself, you can watch something that is on one of the two extremes (violence or romantic). You can also watch something that might not be suitable for kids or for dates and the need for ending on a good note disappears. Our decision on movies and shows reflects this by choosing a bit more action or horror.

With Family

When watching something with family, all age levels need to be happy with the decision. A cartoon might not make everyone happy and a horror murder film will not be good for the kids. So, this decision provides an age-friendly choice that also caters to the adults in humor, drama, and romantic scenes.

Best TV Shows to Watch

On a Date

This Is Us – This TV show plucks at the heartstrings, yet provides great comedic relief. It covers a lot of different topics that would be great for conversation (e.g. family, background, job, etc.). Furthermore, it is a great drama that doesn’t have violence and isn’t heavily action or romantic.

By Yourself

If you are a guy and enjoy technology, watch Netflix’s show Black Mirror. This show will really get your mind racing about the future. If you are a girl,

With Family

When watching movies with the family, chances are you are going to want something that is age appropriate and not completely sexual since you’ll be sitting next to your parents. Animal Planet, 13 Reasons Why, and Chef’s Table are all good choices. These focus on more informative documentary styles, and 13 Reasons Why is a great drama that also will generate great conversation.


Schitt’s Creek is a hilarious show about a rich family that loses everything and goes to live in a small town. The contrast that follows between a small town and the rich people is extremely funny and is bound to make you laugh. With only one season on Netflix and a second one coming, now is the perfect time to catch up on the show.

Best Movies to Watch

On a Date

Beauty and the Beast is a great choice that is still in theatres. Not only does this have the romantic scenes, but also balances it out with light-hearted humor. It also provides a great segway into some conversations about growing up, childhood memories, etc. that will stem from watching this movie when you were younger.

By Yourself

If you are the type of person that likes suspenseful movies, Hounds of Love is a great option. Coming to theatres May 12, this movie follows a girl that gets abducted by a serial-killer couple. The only way out for her is to drive a wedge between the couple. This movie currently has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, and about an 8 out of 10 for people wanting to see it.

With Family

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is a great comedy film that is sure to please your entire family. This Walt Disney Studios produced the first Guardians of the Galaxy, which received great reviews and made everyone laugh. James Gunn (II) now is back to produce another great film.


Gifted is a great film that would check the box for a date, by yourself, or even with family. Following the story of a girl that is gifted in math, her dad has to struggle to keep her life normal. This story is a heartwarming movie that has received great reviews, including an 87% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

All in All

there is a vast amount of choices to make when watching shows and movies. It can be somewhat overwhelming, if you are not careful. By keeping your options to the three categories of date, by yourself, and with family, all of your bases will be covered. Furthermore, by breaking your choices into movies and TV shows, you will be able to have a choice for every occasion of life.

Eric Anderson

Writer and owner of CATV.org. Eric covers the latest happenings in the world of cable TV: deals, reviews, previews, new tech gear & more.

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